Dust Control

Improve the safety, performance and environmental conditions of your operations with Persons Chemical Supply's dust control products and dust mitigation programs.

Our dust suppressants effectively diminish fugitive dust to:

  • Improve air quality
  • Control harmful emissions
  • Comply with regulations
  • Increase equipment longevity
  • Enhance production time
  • Minimize operating costs caused by material loss

We have direct access to the entire supply chain to deliver your specialized dust control solutions.


Persons Chemical Supply provides:

  • Upfront detailed road testing for strength and gravel size
  • Complete dust analysis including total and respirable dust
  • Selecting the proper chemistry
  • Creating a tailored Road Treatment Plan
  • Cost quantification of water and chemicals to justify treatment costs
  • Delivery and safe storage of the chemistry at your site
  • Pre-application road preparation
  • Applying the chemistry with standard water trucks
  • Water management and usage reporting
  • Post-application dust monitoring
  • Training your own operators to properly grade roads, apply the chemistry, and maintain the roads

Our innovative products and services deliver industrial dust control solutions for:


Road Dust Control

Persons Chemical Supply delivers effective dust control solutions for all types of roads and surfaces, including access roads, municipalities, heavy haul roads and parking lots ridden with dusty conditions. Improving the air quality for employees, creating safer roads, and reducing the ongoing costs of road maintenance. Our long-lasting organic road dust binding treatments extends the life of your roads, eliminating gravel loss and creating a top surface that drastically reduces dust. Water usage is reduced by greater than 70% resulting in lower road management costs and long-term durability.

Erosion Control for Stock Piles, Storage Piles & Tailings

Prevent wind borne erosion of stock piles, storage piles and tailings with Persons Chemical Supply's erosion and dust control solutions. Our long-lasting, water proof chemistry reduces material loss kicked up by winds to reduce downwind pollution and employee exposure. Formulated to bind loose materials together in a solid yet flexible structure, our colourless cross-linked nanoparticle stabilizer creates strong bonds between surface materials to eliminate erosion, dust and unwanted runoff. This water proof crust provides a long-lasting barrier between the storage pile and the environment, helping you meet environmental regulations while reducing material loss.


Heavy Haul Road Dust Control

Minimize fugitive dust in your mining, and industrial construction operations with Persons Chemical Supply's heavy haul road dust control solutions. Our dust mitigation programs reduce respirable dust, lower road maintenance costs and increase operational efficiency. Our biodegradable, organic dust suppression formulas control fine dust, improve the quality of the road surface and reduce operational costs while saving money.

Transfer Point & Ore Processing Dust Control

Persons Chemical Supply provides effective dust control programs and products for the industrial mineral mining and processing industry. Our dust control chemistries lessen downwind pollution, reduce employee exposure to respirable dust, and limit material loss by locking down fine materials. We offer a variety of dust suppression and erosion control formulas, creating a protocol and program that is specific to the needs of our clients' operations.
