
Who We Are

Western Canada's Premier Source for Dust Control

Headquartered in Calgary, AB, Persons Chemical Supply Inc. provides dust control, erosion control, material stabilization and dust suppression services for mining, forestry , oilfield, municipalities and equine sports throughout Western Canada.

The results-driven engineering mind at the heart of Persons Chemical Supply is Brett Person. Person holds a BSc degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Regina, Saskatchewan. Person's unique understanding of Western Canada's geography and weather, and its subsequent impact on road conditions inform his dust control practices. Person is a proven industry expert at mitigating dust, improving road integrity and controlling erosion.

Honing his road dust control skills at a multinational corporation servicing multiple industries in Western Canada for over a decade, Person was responsible for successfully controlling dust on over 2.8 million square meters of medium and heavy-duty haul roads.

Frustrated by the multinational's slow bureaucratic pace at serving client's concerns, Person decided to create his own company specifically focused on meeting the dust control needs of his clients in a timely and effective manner.

In 2015, Persons Chemical Supply Inc. was founded. Persons has developed proprietary dust control chemistries including : WaterPlus, RoadLock, ErosionLock and DustBind. These products help mitigate and suppress dust, helping to improve productivity, protect equipment, create safer working conditions and establish environmentally sound operations.


Typical client applications include:

  • Mining Transfer Points & Material Handling Areas
  • Tailings & Material Storage Areas
  • Industrial Site & Access Road
  • Heavy Haul Roads
  • Oil & Gas Service Access Roads
  • Forestry Industry Access Roads
  • Municipal Transportation Roads
  • Equestrian Arena Dust Control

Brett Person

Brett Person

Why Dust Control?

Improve Safety. Decrease Operating Costs. Increase Productivity.

Persons Chemical Supply Ltd. is Western Canada’s premiere source for dust control. Our dust suppression and erosion control treatment programs effectively eliminate dusty conditions to create safer roads and working conditions, lower your operating costs, and improve your production performance.

Improve Safety

Dusty and loose gravel make for unsafe driving conditions, decreasing visibility and increasing the risk of accidents. Add to this, stakeholders and employees down-wind who are forced to breathe unsafe levels of dust and you can quickly see how dusty debris puts a damper on health and safety.

Our road dust control programs effectively mitigate dust problems, helping your organization improve the safety of your aggregate road surfaces to improve air quality and the health and safety of workers on site.

Our dust suppression and erosion control treatment programs effectively eliminate dusty conditions.

Decreased Visibility

Decrease Operating Costs

Heavy water spraying used to temporarily control dust not only exacerbates scarce water resources but the frequent use of water trucks and graders contributes to higher labour costs, higher fuel usage and higher CO2 emissions. Traditional dust control chlorides leach into the environment with their subpar durability.

Persons Chemical Supply effectively eliminates dusty conditions and provides environmentally-sound and sustainable dust control solutions to decrease your operating costs and help you meet provincial environmental regulations.

Increase Productivity

Dusty conditions on haul roads decrease driver visibility, creating bottlenecks and delaying trucks and increasing cycle time. Diverting man-hours from road watering and maintenance to production increases efficiency and plant wide productivity.Optimize your production performance and eliminate dust control problems with Persons Chemical Supply’s dust mitigation programs. Our road dust control solutions effectively eliminate delays caused by dust, to increase your production uptime, create a safer work environment and decrease your overall operating costs.

Contact Persons Chemical Supply Ltd. Today to gain control over your dust problems.